Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Baby Steps

          Today Kai knows almost 40 commands, and has just started training in agility (which she is picking up extremely fast). She is going up to, licking, and playing with people. Once she has met someone a time or two she is alright with them petting and touching her, as long as they don't try to grab her, or come at her too fast. She absolutely loves all dogs, and tries to play with every single one she sees. She is very loyal, loving, playful and happy. 
          That is where Kai is today, 10 months after being adopted by my husband and I. It wasn't a quick process, but there were little victories every week, and I could tell she was progressing. Kai used to be so afraid that she would barely let us pet her, and we could get no where near her back, without her running away.  
           For the first month and a half when we went to the dog park she would jump onto the bench and shake. When I say shake, I really mean shake, she was literally trembling with fear. So we would sit on the bench with her and pet her, trying to comfort her. We continued to take her though, because she needed the socialization. Being around different people and dogs was very important in helping her become more confident around strangers. 
          Then one cold winter day, Kai suddenly decided to play! She was running around with other dogs, and enjoying it. It took many weeks of her hiding from, running from, and just watching other dogs, but when she was finally ready she joined in on the fun. I was so glad when she started actually enjoying the dog park, and now when we go she can hardly contain herself, she gets so excited.
           An important part of having a dog who is shy, fearful, and unsocialized is patience. Take things slow with them, and celebrate every little victory, whenever they do anything right, make a huge deal of it.....and don't forget the treats!

Kai's first day playing at the park.

1 comment:

  1. Love watching the video, Kai loves to play at the parks now!She is such an awesome dog! Love, Mom♥
