After a while Kai became comfortable with my husband and I. She was fine as long as she was with us, in our apartment. This was great in the sense that she no longer feared us, but that wasn't enough. She needed to be comfortable in other places, and with other people.
To this day I still try to take her to new places, and have her meet new people as often as I can. To help your dog become more confident around people, one good trick is to always keep a few treats with you, and whenever someone is willing, ask them to give a treat to your dog. This will help them associate people with something good. The more people you can get to do this, the better. Also have your dog sit whenever someone is going to give them a treat, to help reinforce those good manners.
Simply walking your dog at the park, or down town is great exposure. Going on hikes or day trips to the river, and beach are also fun ways to get your dog used to different environments.